i know i know i have been gone for ages...
and the last post aint the most optimistic one.. well ok life is a mess lately. work wise, like wise, love wise and all... but will tell you so much about it soon..
now just a quick update.. been working my self silly.. just got back from BBDO unviersity and was fun to be out of office for even as short as 3 days.. here are some pics of it, first one is with my friend from work Zeljko,that went as well. we did little road trip and stopped in Groznjan (little town in Istria (Croatian seaside- lovely old midevil town)
here is one in the pub (the lecturer said the nr. value of this network trips is socializing so we did that part extremly well )
ok..... i just got upset coz the pics wont stand where i want them to stand.
so here are the pics in randome order (which they chose for themself)
third one is from the classroom . we did some good studying.. and last or who knows which order is with Dinko.. my best friend from offce (one with real short hair) . we are bron on the same date (jan.25th- in case i still didnt tell you B sorry)
more post soon.. i promise i promise i promiseeeeeeee